Graduation from college means that it’s time for the job-hunt! The journey to employment may be filled with tense waiting, but it is all part of the experience.To pump you up while you wait, here are some awesome, and somewhat unusual stories of those looking for work. Hope these stories will inspire you on the job-hunt!
Be Prepared for Train Mishaps
Being late for an interview because of MRT woes. Basically, took me 6 fully packed trains before riding the one going to my destination.

Always be ready in case of commuting problems, especially nowadays when the LRT 2 is down from Santolan to Cubao.
Job Requirements Should be Clear From the Start

I was on my final interview when they told me iba pala qualifications needed for the job 🤣 (4 months of waiting poof lol)
If there is a sudden change in qualifications, the job might not be for you after all.
The Kids Don’t Bite

I sent out my cv to st paul and poveda, got a call to come in for an interview then the demo .The demo was okay naman :)) i was scared but the students were nice and we were kind of comfortable with each other during the class
For those applying to be teachers, the demo can be nerve-wracking, but don’t worry, most kids are absolute angels. Just relax, and enjoy the demo, since if you make it, you will be repeating that for quite a while.
Don’t Go to an Interview When Sick

I felt sick that day but continued with the interview anyway. The interviewer didn’t even notice I was feeling ill. Was rushed to the ER right after and found out I had food poisoning haha
Going to a job interview when ill will lead to mishaps, so feel free to reschedule when sick.
Get The Interviewer’s Gender Right

Thought my interviewer was a female due to the name Kaneko. Then I find out she was a he. Though to be fair, he thought I was a male. XD
Remember, gender cannot be assumed, so make sure you don’t judge someone’s gender by name alone. Names like Yoshiko, Kaneko, Jamie, and Joey can be used by males and females alike.
Beware of Companies That Don’t Divulge Their Identity

I applied online as a graphic designer in a “Company Confidential” profile in Jobstreet. Qualifications, requirements and benefits looked promising so I tried it anyways. On the day of the interview, I was told that I was the only female graphic designer applicant, all of the other applicants were males. I didn’t think that what I applied for required a gender specific position but I went with it anyway until an all male panel interview began. It was only revealed that what I was applying for was a graphic designer position at SOGO hotel. No wonder all the other female graphic designers that attended the interview before my schedule left already. I certainly did not want to be associated working or have worked with a motel brand so I never accepted the position even after I passed the panel interview and design exam.
When applying for jobs via Jobstreet, Kalibrr, or Indeed, please avoid Company Confidential profiles. This is to prevent mishaps, like working for an industry which troubles your conscience.
You Never Know, so Stay Classy

The person I flirted with at one [Christmas] party turned out to be the person helping me claim my pay at a client I started ‘lancing for lol
In the workforce, always be professional, since you never know if the person you are talking to will be your future interviewer.
Job-Hunting is not Scary After All
Even though looking for work may be a nerve-wracking experience, it is not scary after all. All the strange things that may happen are all just part of the experience. So, good luck, and may you find the job that is best for you!