Markup: Image Alignment

Markup: Image Alignment

Proin ut quam eros. Donec sed lobortis diam. Nulla nec odio lacus. Quisque porttitor egestas dolor in placerat. Nunc vehicula dapibus ipsum. Duis venenatis risus non nunc fermentum dapibus. Morbi lorem ante, malesuada in mollis nec, auctor nec massa. Aenean tempus dui...

A Law Student’s Checklist

A Law Student’s Checklist

For those law students who had law classes during their undergraduate course, they already had a taste of what law school will ultimately be like. Law School will be like college but amplified numerous times. Readings will be piled on top of one another and...

When to Step the Ladder

When to Step the Ladder

There comes a time in your professional life that you have to move up the ladder, take on more responsibilities and, at the same time, reap more rewards. However, things aren’t always that easy. There are tons of factors that may impede your next step. The big...

Dealing with the work place bully

Dealing with the work place bully

Each person will encounter his fair share of bullies in life. There will bullies in school, in cyberspace, and even at your workplace. Dealing with bullies is never as simple as standing up to them or beating them at their own game when it comes to dealing with...

Tools of the trade for med students

Tools of the trade for med students

It takes a certain kind of person to become a doctor. Doctors have a big burden that falls on their shoulders. These burden happen every time a patient walks into their clinic or whenever someone is rolled into the emergency room. They have a strong sense of...

HTML Tags and Formatting

HTML Tags and Formatting

Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque...

Markup: Text Alignment

Markup: Text Alignment

Let them speak like you words. Let them do their jobs without any hassle from the text. In about one more sentence here, we’ll see that the text moves from the right of the image down below the image in seamless transition. Again, letting the do it’s thang. Mission...

English in the Entertainment Industry

English in the Entertainment Industry

There's more to the entertainment industry than the glitz and glamour usually associated with it. Acting is an art form. And whether it's a stage play or a movie, acting is acting. Every production takes hours and hours of rehearsing lines, breathing emotion into the...